Hospital Alternatives Program
( HAP )

The Hospital Alternative Program (HAP) is a short-term intensive treatment response to stabilize crisis behavior and prevent a youth psychiatric hospitalization.

HAP will assist with the transition from a crisis facility and create a safety plan with the client and/or family to help them remain successfully in their home and community.

How Does it Work?

You will be offered 24/7 access to support services by HAP staff for 30 days following a referral from Butte County Behavioral Health Crisis Services. HAP is available 24/7.

HAP staff are specially trained to help de-escalate crisis behavior and stabilize the client and family by creating and following a safety plan.

HAP can also help to coordinate your existing services through a team meeting with any formal supports (social workers, teachers) or informal supports (family, coaches, neighbors) you currently have that assist you in coping with crisis.

Who is eligible? How long do I work with HAP?

HAP serves youth 18 or younger with full scope Butte County Medi-Cal and referred by Butte County Behavioral Health Crisis Services. HAP services last for 30 days.

HAP will…

  • Teach you ways to cope with stressful situations or overwhelming feelings

  • Help you learn to communicate and express feelings which reduce crisis behaviors

  • Teach you to become more social and interact more positively with peers

  • Assist you to become connected to longer lasting supportive services

HAP uses Motivational Interviewing, Trauma Informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy — highly researched, evidence-based practices designed to assist young people with managing the challenges of crisis behavior. Services will be available to you for 30 days.

For More Information

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