Foster Care Services
Foster Care is a temporary arrangement in which foster parents and resource families provide for the care of a child or children whose birthparent is unable to care for them.
Foster parents are required to be licensed under regulations set forth by California Community Care Licensing (CCL) to be an available home for these children. As the birthparent works towards reunification with their child(ren), the foster parent assists the child in everyday needs and supports the reunification process.
Some children may need the short-term support of Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC) to assist in stabilizing behaviors during the reunification process. As children become young adults, Transitional Housing can assist them in independence, financial understanding and the necessary skills to sustain a safe and stable lifestyle.
How does it work?
With the support of a Youth for Change foster care social worker, an individual or couple will complete all requirements to be licensed as a foster parent in the state of California.
Children that are detained by the State of California are placed in licensed foster homes while the biological family works on their individualized plan for reunification.
Youth for Change provides all the needed supports to the foster family, foster child(ren), and biological family in support of the reunification plan.
Who is eligible?
The requirements to become a licensed foster home are set forth by the State of California Community Care Licensing Division. These requirements include, in part, background checks of all adults living in the home, identified trainings, and physical home standards. Youth for Change will assess prospective foster parents for meeting these requirements and assist in the licensing process.
What is the benefit?
Fostering gives parents and individuals the opportunity to provide a safe haven and support system for the children who need it most. Foster parents will be able to provide children with a consistent living environment that will give them the chance to work through difficulties and try to overcome obstacles. Foster parents have the opportunity to be a positive influence in a child’s life and help a child recover from trauma.
How long does it take?
Each foster case is individualized to the needs of the children and biological parents. Foster placement is considered temporary with the goal of reunification. However, in some cases where reunification is not possible, a permanent plan of adoption is arranged.
For More Information
Completed applications can be emailed to Brooke Wells.