Wraparound Services
The Wraparound program is focused on working with youth and their families (biological, adoptive, kinship, or foster families) to keep a child in a home rather than in a Short Term Residential Treatment Program (STRTP).
The Wraparound team works to create a sustainable family plan by providing a family centered, individualized, culturally relevant and strengths-based approach; to keep youth stabilized in a permanent home. Each team created strives to build trust, cooperation, self-worth, and family unity to fulfill each family’s unique family vision.
Youth For Change works in close partnership with County Children’s Services Department, other applicable State and County partners, and other service providers to provide this family-centered, strengths-based and high-fidelity model alternative to residential care placements for children and youth with complex and enduring needs.
How does it work?
Each family will be assigned a team consisting of a facilitator, parent partner, and if appropriate a clinician. The team will work with the family to create a family vision which will guide the process and determine the goals and needs of the family. Mental health services including therapy, family therapy, rehabilitation services (IHBS services) are provided if the team determines there is a need. Child-Family Team Meetings will occur on a regular basis (weekly, monthly, or as determined by the team) which focuses on developing services and supports to build upon the family strengths. Each family is in charge of their own goals and successes. The intent is to build a sustainable plan to achieve the family’s vision and build natural supports to utilize after the family graduates the program.
Who is eligible?
Families identified by County Children’s Services Departments or through county Adoption programs are eligible for Wraparound services.
What is the benefit?
The Wraparound model focuses on creating strength-based, individualized, sustainable plans to keep families together and children out of STRTP placements.
How long does it take?
The goal is for the family and team to graduate the program using the family vision as the guide. There is no specific timeline as every family comes in with different needs.