Sutter County Programs
Behavioral Health
Community Based Services (CBS)
Through a partnership with Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health (SYBH), CBS provides Specialty Mental Health Services to clients in the environment that is most comfortable to them and/or their family: a school, community, home or office setting.
Full Service Partnership (FSP)
Through a partnership with Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health (SYBH) and funding from the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA), YFC’s FSP Program provides Specialty Mental Health Services that are integrated, collaborative, and strength based. Services are delivered in partnership with formal and natural supports to create a team that promotes healing and wellbeing. FSP works to break down barriers by providing support with basic needs to increase the effectiveness of mental health interventions.
Medication & Psychiatric Support
Through a partnership with Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health (SYBH), our Medication Support Program provides Specialty Mental Health Services including psychiatric assessment, diagnosis, prescribing and ongoing psychiatric services.
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)
Through a partnership with Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health (SYBH), TBS provides Specialty Mental Health Services to youth with serious emotional disturbances who are at risk of hospitalization or out of home placement, or transitioning from a hospital, group home or STRTP to a lower level of care.
Social Services
Adoptions Agency
Through a partnership with Sutter County Adoptions, State Adoptions, and other north state counties, our adoption agency works with parents who want to start or grow their families through the permanency of adoption. Adoptive parents go through the same approval process as our foster and guardianship families and are required to be licensed under regulations set forth by California Community Care Licensing (CCL) to be an available permanent home for children whose biological parent(s) are unable to provide permanent care. Based on the unique needs of each child, additional supports and services may be available including Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS), clinical support and Wraparound. Adoptive families work with Youth for Change social workers through the entire process until Adoption Finalization day and additional supports are available through post-adoptive services.
Differential Response
Based on a triage process, Youth for Change’s DR program responds to low to moderate risk child welfare reports with comprehensive community services. Provides home visits, navigation support for families to access community services, therapeutic services, and a wide range of individualized support and skill building.
Family Urgent Response System (FURS)
The Family Urgent Response System (FURS) includes a statewide hotline as well as a local mobile response by a Youth For Change team to provide trauma informed support to current and former foster youth and caregivers. Youth For Change provides a mobile response in Butte, Sutter, and Yuba County.
Foster Care Services
Foster Care Services provides a temporary living arrangement in which foster parents and resource families provide for the care of a child or children whose birthparents are unable to care for them. Foster parents are required to be licensed under regulations set forth by California Community Care Licensing (CCL) to be an available home for these children while the biological parent(s) works towards reunification. Based on the unique needs of each foster child, additional supports and services are available, including Intensive Services Foster Care (ISFC), Transitional Housing, and Adoptions.
Transitional Housing Programs
Transitional Housing Programs provide apartment living support and oversight to young adults who are currently in or who have recently left the foster care system. YFC assists with apartment searching and funding; social workers assist youth in creating monthly budgets, paying rent and bills, grocery shopping, maintaining apartments, scheduling and maintaining appointments, applying for jobs and completing high school or attending higher education settings.
Wraparound Services
Through a partnership with Sutter County Health and Human Services, Wraparound services are provided with a focus on working with youth and their families (biological, adoptive, kinship or foster family) to keep a child in a home rather than in a higher level of care. The Wraparound team works to create a sustainable family plan by providing a family-centered, individualized, culturally relevant, and strength-based approach to keep youth stabilized in a permanent home. Each team created strives to build trust, cooperation, self-worth, and family unity to fulfill each family’s unique family vision.